St Clement's Surgery

Village Health

Repeat Prescriptions
Repeat prescriptions can be requested by post or dropped into the dispensary letterbox or online.

Did you know you can now order your repeat prescriptions online?

Please speak to a Receptionist if you would like to register for this service. If you are already registered, click on the link below to take you to the website where you can order your prescriptions.

here to visit the Systmonline website or alternatively use the AccuRx site on the contact the surgery page here.
Also repeat prescriptions are available via the NHS App which is available for mobiles for iOS from the App Store or for Android from the Google Play Store.
Normally, repeat prescriptions will be ready within 48 hours. If the prescription is
urgent please inform the dispensary in order that we can try and get it ready sooner.

We are keen to ensure that patients with ongoing medical problems are monitored regularly. If the date for your next review with a doctor or nurse has passed you will be asked to make an appointment. If you are ordering medication that is not on your repeats list or if you are due a medication review, your prescription may not be issued so please ring the surgery 24 hours after ordering to see if it has been issued.

Online Repeat Prescription Ordering SystmOne

Delivery Service

St Clements Surgery now offers a delivery service for those patients over 60 and those who are medically exempt from prescription charges, we do plan to expand this service to all dispensing patients.

• Deliveries are FREE of charge and will take place once a week on a THURSDAY by a delivery driver
• Repeat requests must be placed by 12noon the Friday before the expected delivery. This must be done via repeat slip into the letterbox, SystmOnline or NHS App.
• Dispensary team cannot take requests over the telephone.
• Dispensers cannot deliver medications to patients.
• Patients/ a representative must be able to accept their medications, medications will not be left at homes unattended.
• Schedule 2 Controlled Drugs will not be delivered.
• Deliveries may have to be cancelled or delayed at last minute if short staffed.
• Acute/urgent medications must be collected by the patient or representative from dispensary as normal.

Please sign the Terms and Conditions and return to Dispensary
Delivery Terms & Conditions Form

St Clement’s Surgery
Village Health,
Churchgate Way
Terrington St Clement
Kings Lynn,
PE34 4LZ

Stacks Image 329
01553 828475
Stacks Image 354
01553 827051